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4:25pm 08-06-2020
Hey. it's me, marsie, i'm here to tell you that i linked to you in my homepage. be sure to link to me. :)
Replied on: 8:26pm 08-07-2020

thank you for letting me know; i've updated it just now! :)

3:52pm 08-03-2020
i like your site, archivist!! it looks really well made ^__^
Replied on: 10:20pm 08-04-2020

thank you so much! i hope you have a great day :) <3

9:30pm 07-31-2020
Thanks for linking my site I linked you back (: I like the design of your layout a lot it's cute. Kind of want to make another site like yours I dig the style.
Replied on: 8:08am 08-01-2020

thank you so much! i hope you have a great day! :) <3

5:48am 07-28-2020
aurea :)
thx for your comment :0 your site is absolutely sick! i luv how unique the layout is and you have such an awesome vibe in general. hugs!
Replied on: 10:43pm 07-28-2020

thanks so much; i love your site sm so that means a lot! i hope you have a great day!! <3

5:09pm 07-27-2020
thanks so much for linking my site!!! i love your setup and i genuinely lost my shit when i saw that someone as cool as you linked me!! keep up the great work :)))
Replied on: 9:04pm 07-27-2020

omg thank you so much; your site is great too so, of course, i had to link it!! i hope you have a great day! :) <3

4:42pm 07-24-2020
just wanted to say that i recognized 1990's eddie kaspbrak in your site button, he's my favourite character from the movie so kudos to you on that
Replied on: 8:00pm 07-24-2020

:) <3